Tuesday, November 12, 2013


In honor of the one-week birthday of our new niece, Caroline Virginia, born last Tu(n)esday, November 5th, in NYC, here are a couple of great songs called "Caroline" (No, not that one. Different ones!):

Brandi Carlile, with backup vocals by... Elton John!

and Old Crow Medicine Show

Welcome to the family and the all-girl band, Sweet Caroline!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

As Promised...

A few more Halloween photos:

Ready to GO!!

And afterwards, organizing their loot, of course...

Despite a little drizzly rain, which fortunately brought a much warmer temperature and let the girls go out without coats over their costumes, we did the rounds of our neighborhood for about an hour. Some of the houses were decorated to the max and lots of porches had their lights on. The girls got plenty of candy to keep us all in sweets for several weeks, so they declared the holiday a success.

The next morning, I ate a bowl of fun-size candy bars for breakfast and then apparently slipped into a sugar coma and forgot to go to my dentist appointment. How's that for irony?! Pro Tip: never schedule dentist appointments for November 1st.