As for what's been going on with us the last almost a month since my previous post... insanity. In the interest of saving space and not lighting my keyboard on fire, here's the quickie version:
Connecting flights, lots of crying, car seat snafu, Alex's wedding, cute flower girl, lots of crying, missed reception, up all night, lots of crying, fun at Nana's & Papa's, learning to crawl, babbling constantly, sleeping poorly, lots of crying, missed the zoo, Eric's wedding, catching up with old friends, sangria swirls and cheese fries at the Mont, rush to airport, stupid car seats, connecting flights, no stupid frickety fracking changing table, LOTS of crying, 10 days worth of cat barf, why does our house still smell like an old lady?, potty training, poop on the floor, big girl panties, attempted stair climbing and couch standing, falling, lots of crying, teething?, frozen peas, lots of crying, sleepless nights, laundry, laundry, laundry, potty success & "chocolate treats," hissy fits, lots of crying. Whew!