The Boston Children's Museum has been advertising their Curious George exhibit on PBS, and every time Maggie sees it she says, "That looks like fun!" So yesterday we left Kate and Daddy at home and headed into the big city for a Maggie and Mommy Adventure. The Curious George exhibit was OK, but it wasn't really big enough for the hordes of kids who were there on a Saturday morning. Maggie was interested in some parts of it (especially the rocket ship slide), but she was a little wigged out by the crowds of screamers, so we didn't get any pictures in that part of the museum. She loved the rest of the exhibits and we spent the morning running from thing to thing and having a blast. She climbed on the climbing sculpture, built things out of blocks in the construction zone, chased butterflies on a screen that casts your shadow on the wall, made huge bubbles in the bubble room (also no pictures, it was a mess!), played a steel drum and dominoes and tic-tac-toe (unfortunately Mom couldn't explain the rules of the giant chess game), and conned me into buying her chocolate milk for lunch. And I also had a hallelujah moment being able to go somewhere fun without a diaper bag and without having to haul the stroller with us everywhere!

After all this fun, fun, fun, what did she say when Daddy asked her what her favorite part of the day was? Her favorite part of the whole day was buying this rubber caterpillar in the museum gift shop:

I said she could pick out one thing there and they had so much really great stuff, as museum stores usually do, and this was the thing she picked out. We decided to name her Kitty (I suggested Pilar, but she like Kitty better). Her favorite thing all day. Kate is kind of afraid of it!
PS - It's very hard to get a photo of Maggie's face these days!
PSS - There are some more Easter pics up on Snapfish if you're interested!
Oh cow that caterpillar rocks! I think Kitty is a fitting name for the caterpillar considering the other name choices going on with the family cats..... :)