Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gratuitous Girlie Pics

Who are these girls with the long, long legs?? I'm afraid they might not be babies anymore.

How old do you think they have to be before we can send them out to pick us up a pizza?


  1. Oh my goodness!! So adorable! Love the one of the girls with their "friends" on the couch...frame that one for sure! They are both getting so tall!

  2. Miss those girls!!! They'll be driving before you know it.....and then you'll get a call from a friend.....and she'll say she saw your car run a stop light.....and it won't be you.

  3. Manda- those pictures remind me of the "good 'ole days" when WE played in our yard and our Grandparent's yard.

    Love to all of you - Ann


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