The Learning Garden

Chicken on the loose!

Display on field mice

Maggie loved the mice! She said she's going to have a mice farm when she grows up, like Mr. Brice.

Running to the pig barn

The biggest pig I have ever seen in my whole life! Kate was afraid of it!


The Tack Room

Maggie's turn

Maggie says she really likes milking cows

Barn cat - we had to circle back around to pet this guys three times.

That goat is sticking his tongue out at us, Mom!

Picnic lunch

This was the only part of the trip that Kate admitted to liking (well, lunch and the ice cream push up pop I bought her at the gift shop before we went home). She spent the whole day saying Canwegohomecanwegohomecanwegohomenowcanwegohomecanwe? Maggie loved everything and wanted to live there forever. She actually told me in the car that she and Kate were the Country Mouse and the City Mouse. I really do wonder...

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