Maggie is going to be the flower girl in my brother Alex's wedding in September. We got the dress in the mail the other day and I took some pictures of her in it just to show my sister-in-law and mom how it looks (for the wedding, it will actually have a purple sash without the flower). She's going through a phase of not liking to have her picture taken, so she makes goofy faces and turns away from the camera. Here are a few good shots that I finally managed to squeeze out of her:
Cute! I love it...especially the one of her sitting on the floor making a funny face. I seem to remember making that same face in some pictures. She takes after me. :)
I'm .5 kids short of 2.5 and I only very technically live in the 'burbs, but as much as I have tried to avoid it, my life has begun to sound like a cliche. Where am I?! How did I get here?! All I know is, this does feel like home.
Cute! I love it...especially the one of her sitting on the floor making a funny face. I seem to remember making that same face in some pictures. She takes after me. :)