As soon as we got out of the T at Park Street, we headed across the Common and into the Public Garden. The girls always love the Make Way for Ducklings statues and immediately ran to sit on the ducks.

Kate did not love sitting on Mrs. Mallard with Maggie and did not want to wait for me to take a picture. Maggie however loved it.

Here's a photo of them on the same duck last year. My how time flies!!

Maggie loved the real ducks, too. She cried when I dragged her away (because she was taunting the ducks by throwing leaves in the water and getting them all excited for snacks)!

On the bridge watching the swan boats. We didn't ride them because the line to get on was outrageous and it was lunch time. We headed out of the park to get pizza and pink lemonade instead.

After lunch, we headed over through Quincy Market and out to the Greenway where we hit the carousel, of course!

Kate wouldn't let me take her picture, so I surprised her and got a shot in the mirror above us. Sneaky Mom! She kept trying to tell me something all throughout the ride, but the calliope music was too loud. Finally I realized she was saying, "They're chasing me, Mom! The horses are chasing me! Up and Down! Come on guys, Come on!" She's a riot!

After the carousel, we cut over to the harbor to look at the boats and try to find an ice cream shop, but...

We ran into a playground instead. The only thing that got us out of there was that Kate ended up needing to go potty, so we just HAD to run over to the North End to Caffe Vittoria (my favorite!) and get some gelato and iced coffee!

These girls know all the tricks to keep the paparazzi at bay.

She just can't help being cute.


I was positive that we were going home now as it was somewhere around 2pm, but we had to walk back through the Greenway to get to the T station and Maggie spotted the fountains!

She wasn't leaving without getting totally soaked. Here are a couple of videos of the girls cavorting in the spray:
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