We began celebrating last Friday afternoon when we got the girls dressed up for our town square's business district trick or treating event. Kate originally wanted to be a "twirly princess" for Halloween, but she fell in love with this monarch butterfly princess costume at the store. We refer to it as the Renaissance-Oktoberfest-beermaid-monarch-butterfly-ballet-princess-costume. She has all her bases covered in this get up.
Maggie wanted to be Oliver from the 1988 Disney film Oliver & Company. What, you don't remember this movie? You have no idea who Oliver is? Your kindergartner doesn't choose obscure movie references for her Halloween costumes? Well, you are really missing out. Huey Lewis and Billy Joel did the music for this film. Get with the program.
It's not so easy to find ORANGE cat costumes. I found loads of BLACK cat stuff, but orange was hard to come by. I finally found some tiger striped ears and tail, painted "stripes" (stripe-ish something or other anyway - hey! I'm not crafty, OK?!) on an orange t-shirt, and fashioned a blue collar out of ribbon and gold sparkly stickers. Erm, close enough?? She seemed content with it.
Our town square has an actual, legit, colonial cemetery right in the middle of it. Creepy! New England Halloween beats all other Halloweens hands down. Boo yah. (Unless it happens to snow. Then New England Halloween forfeits.)
Afterwards, we got yummy Mexican torta sandwiches. How have you celebrated Dia de las Muertos? (That, or we just really really like those sandwiches.)
After we got home, Maggie started an inventory of her Halloween candy. Are you surprised?
She is so very organized. And a good speller.
Now we will take a short break to discuss the Frankenstorm. Hurricane Sandy plus the Nor'easter that was whirling around her, passed through a few days later after a ton of hoopla and frantic television weather forecasters and bread shortages at the grocery store. While the storm was quite destructive and disruptive to our friends and family further south, we escaped unscathed. We got a ton of rain and there are leaves everywhere (and I've seen branches down in other neighborhoods), but there was no flooding and we never lost power. The girls were out of school Monday and Tuesday, so it's been a short week with craziness crammed into three days, but we're cool compared to how others have fared.
We still had regular trick-or-treating on Halloween night as usual. The rain had stopped and what little mess there was had been cleaned up, and our town always seems to do things the old fashioned way, so out into the weekday school-night we crept.
Sweaters and leggings under costumes is way better than coats or snowsuits!
The girls got quite a haul of candy of course and had a blast. Happy Halloween!
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