Thursday, July 25, 2013

Beach Fun!

Tide Pools and Seaweedy Rocks are Maggie's faves.


Amy found these floaties online. They are called Stearns Puddle Jumpers and I highly recommend them. They are real life jackets, but they're comfy and cool and the girls never complained about wearing them.

Hermit Crabs

Sharing Treasures


One of many "Crabitats" - homes for imprisoned crabs

Busy, busy, busy


Mags is an expert treasure hunter.

We let these people on our beach, even though they aren't named Fowler.

Straight Chillin'

Wrong "Long Island"

Hauling gear didn't exactly constitute "beach fun," but someone had to do it.

The Real Housewives of Long Island (RHOLI)

J & J & A

Giant Snail!!

Augh, the cuteness! I can't take it anymore!

Tomorrow - photos of the island. Come back for the next installment!


  1. Love seeing all of the pictures!! I want to go back!!!! What a relaxing adventure for our family!!

  2. I am LOVING all the pictures! What a wonderful family vacation. Everyone has a smile on their face in every pic, except the rock stars. Thanks for sharing. Love, Mom


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