Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Things You Need For a Perfect Beach Vacation

1. A car that is small enough to fit on the ferry (or actually small enough to fit down the ramp on the dock). You will need to schedule this in advance; don't forget!
2. Careful pre-planning and the logistical, strategic, and tactical skills needed to marshal an army.
3. All this junk (which must fit in the small car):

4. Reading Material

5. A Place to Stay

6. Beach Gear (and Wonder Wheeler - that's the name of the cart, not the guy pushing it)

7. Cute Bathing Suits

8. Bathing Suit Cover Ups

9. Hats

10. Sunglasses

11. Sunblock (and bug spray - pack three times as much as you think you need and then double that)

12. Beach Toys

13. Floaties

14. Kayaks

15. Snacks

16. Glo Necklaces

17. Twisted Fire Starters

18. S'mores!

19. Beer

20. Wine (and virgin Pina Colada mix slushies for the pregnant ladies)

21. Lobster

22. Lobster Wranglers

23. Cousins, cousins, cousins!

Now, all you need to do is kick back and enjoy your perfect New England Beach Vacation!
Come back tomorrow for more pictures of beach babes having fun in the sea and on the sand.

1 comment:

  1. This list is perfection. I still can't believe the car fit down that narrow ramp!! Crazy!!


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