Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Maggie Sez...
Mommy: Tis the season...
Maggie: DECK! the halls wif bells and howwy, fa wuh la wuh la wuh la wuh la!!
Mommy: Tis the season...
Maggie: to be jowwy, fa wuh la wuh la wuh la wuh la!!
Mommy: Don we now...
Maggie: our gaze apparel, fa wuh la wuh la wuh la wuh la la la!!!! (feel free to imagine any melody you prefer for this last part because any is appropriate, no need to stick with the traditional song)
Mommy: Troll the ancient...
Maggie: yule tide cawol, (screaming) FA WUH LA WUH LA WUH LA WUH LA!!!!!!!
Repeat continuously without stopping for about 3 more hours.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
How Lovely Are Thy Branches...
But let's end on a lighter note by clicking on the following link and reading a lovely anecdote by Louis Armstrong's wife about the first Christmas tree he ever had, at the age of 40! It's a heart warmer...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Yes, Maggie, There is a Nana Claus

We did some crafts yesterday because my mom sent Maggie this little foam gingerbread house kit. It was so cute and easy for her to do because each piece was precut and self-adhesive. The only messy part was the glitter glue to stick on the red gemstone thingies, but hey, real fun is never tidy! Nevertheless, she said her favorite part was sticking on the mommy and baby gingerbread people. Thanks, Nana!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Maggie Sez...
(after being asked if she wanted a snack cup of crackers)
... I would have to go get The Grinch out of Whoville and put him on my naughty step and tell him, "You are being very naughty, The Grinch!"
... This is the original.
(informing Dad that he was not watching Frosty Returns or Frosty's Winter Wonderland, but in fact the original Frosty the Snowman holiday cartoon)
... Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite. Because if the bedbugs start biting, you'll never get to sleep!
(said to Kate at bedtime a few nights ago)
Mommy Sez...
(repeat approximately 15,000 times a day)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Riddle Me This
The mystery here unveiled itself as I pulled off her sodden clothes... she had a Cat in the Hat sticker stuck to her chest! I'm POSITIVE that she did not have any decorations when I put the clothes on her this morning, and I definitely had not started drinking yet at that point. And, she was wearing a onesie undershirt with a pair of pants and a long sleeved shirt over it. Pretty much Fort Knox (hey, it's 36 degrees here today), so how did it get there?!?!
I asked her, but she's not telling.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Multimedia Tuesday
And in Art news, here's a painting that Maggie did over the weekend. She informed us that she painted it for Kate. Charming, don't you think? So full of sisterly love and joy. I'm not sure if Mike was trying to create a logo for Maggie's future work or if he was just trying to cheer the piece up a bit with the blue bits on the side.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
How Not to Achieve The Perfect Holiday Atmosphere
...OR maybe it's the fact that I burned the CRAP out of a pot roast today and our entire house absolutely reeks of charred meat and onion soup. I don't even know exactly how it happened. I checked it, it looked fine, next thing I know - beef jerky. Kind of hard to bask in the sweet evergreen smell of Christmas when your hair and sweater smell like meat. Pooh pooh to the Whos!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Maggie Sez...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Happy Tuesday Everybody
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any-lifted from the no
of all nothing-human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
--ee cummings
Monday, November 30, 2009
How I Spent My Thanksgiving Vacation...
Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace;
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go;
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for its living;
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
Mike and I really loved it after Maggie was born because she's a Sunday's child, and I had to admit that I was a bit stupidly anxious when I went into labor with Kate on a Tuesday that she'd end up a Wednesday's child: full of woe. Over the weekend we somehow got to talking about it and started looking up our birth days. Very strangely, almost all of us were Thursdays except for Amy (Monday), Maggie, and Kate! We also decided to interpret "has far to go" as meaning that we all have lots of adventures ahead of us instead of that our lives are one long slog! Luckily, we never did uncover any Wednesday's children.
Anyway, curious? What day are you? Anybody full of woe?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hello, My Name Is... Hallah Lujah
The Utah Baby Namer
Why name your kid Augustus when you can name him Helamans Warrior?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Come On, Get Happy!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Maggie Sez...
Me: Kate's a little Sugarbooger! Are you my little Sugarbooger, too?
Maggie: I'm a booger digger.
Maggie Sings...
...Mommy and Daddy and Maggie and Kate/are going to the shopping/and they won't get in trouble.
Mike suggested, "are going to go shopping/and it's gonna be GREAT!"
but Maggie then switched it up to, "are going to the shopping/and are not gonna be nakey (naked)!"
I guess being clothed is how we are not going to get into trouble??
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
All I Want Is What I Have Coming to Me
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pass the Ibuprofen, Please
My house? I don't know. It's turquoise. We live there. I'm trying to forget how much we owe on it and how much work needs to be done. What do you mean what's up with it?
Wasn't this blog supposed to also be about buying a fixer-upper starter home with yard work and decor and being Suzy Homemaker and all that? Not just goofy stuff your kids say? What's up with your house?
To quote the great Liz Lemon... Blerg.
Owning your own home isn't nearly as much fun as people try to make it out to be. I'm going to come right out here and say, "Hey, people, what's the attraction?!" I think people rave about home ownership because Misery Loves Company. And this is coming from the person in our family who has selfishly avoided doing any of the yard work. I also haven't drained the boiler, sawed through the kitchen cabinets, or installed any cat doors. Mike's done all that. (Although, in my defense, I did Murphy's Oil Soap all the hardwood floors, scrub the grime out of the fridge/freezer and off of all the cabinets, and do most of the unpacking. I'm not exactly sitting around eating bon bons and watching Oprah, OK?!) But still, it's kind of a bummer spending your Saturday watching the kids AGAIN so your husband can trim the hedges - after you spent the whole week scrubbing toilets and mopping floors! What day can we set aside for lying on the couch, eating bon bons, and watching Oprah???
So anyway, we moved in, did a lot of fixer-upper-ing, plateaued in terms of how much crafty homeowner projects we could stand - I think I remember myself saying, "I don't even give a CRAP about (fill in the blank) anymore" several (hundred) times - and then we've kind of been letting things lie around undone for a while. But we're kind of anal retentive type people, and those undone things started to mess with our minds after that while, particularly that blue painters tape all around the perimeters of the upstairs bedrooms and landing - most particularly in the girls' bedrooms, especially since Kate is now mobile. That blue tape was really starting to irritate. So this past weekend, Mike took a day off work and we dropped the girls off at Camp Gram and Grandpa in New Hampshire and we painted that dadblasted, frickafrackin', craptastic, primed-but-never-actually-painted wood trim in the girls' bedrooms and part of the landing. Two days and that was all we were able to complete because it takes so infernally long to paint trim and our eyes were going blind from the super white Polar Bear paint.
Disclaimer: OK, so we also did some shopping (LL Bean! Borders! Yippee!) and went out to dinner TWICE - two nights in a row, which is probably a record for us since we NEVER eat out anymore. And for one of those dinners we even went out with some of our FRIENDS (I know, it's true, we really do still have some friends, seriously.) and didn't come home until 10:30! PM! No joke. And we did sleep in both days - until 9:00! And then we ate donuts for breakfast without anything nutritious to go with them. It was wild.
So we didn't exactly just work ourselves down to the bloody nubbins or anything. (What was I complaining about? Oh, yeah...) Still, seems like you should be able to get through more than just the trim in 2.25 rooms in a whole weekend, but sadly, no. And that cabinet in the upstairs hall that needs to be mounted to the wall because it's tall and narrow and tippy still isn't secured and therefore cannot be filled with all the junk in the cardboard box in the corner of our bedroom. And let's not even talk about the grody carpet in the basement that we talked about ripping out. But... there's always next weekend. There will always be next weekend. And there will always be more projects hanging around just waiting to fill up next weekend so that the only bums warming our couch are tiny and wearing a Sesame Street diaper and Dora the Explorer underpants. Blerg.
Monday, November 2, 2009
If It Quacks Like a Duck, It's a Maggie
Playing in Mike's freshly raked pile of leaves in the afternoon. Maggie liked to lie buried almost up to her chin and make bouquets of leaves, but Kate was more comfortable on the edges of the pile where she could move around more freely.

Another pile in the front yard.

Trick or Treating - we only hit a few houses on our block. There weren't a lot of people giving out candy, but it was plenty for Maggie's first time out. She did beautifully, ringing the doorbells, saying Trick or Treat, and thanking the people. She's an expert now!

Kate chewed up half the candy bars in their wrappers! We had to clean out the drooly ones every time our doorbell rang. We did let her have her first Dum Dum lollipop.

Maggie organizes her loot - of course.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Kitten Sandwich
PS - Mike wants me to add that he LOVES Swedish Fish.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Maggie Sez...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Last night, Mike carved the girls' pumpkin. Maggie requested triangle eyes, a happy smile and 10 teeth. It's got nine teeth and looks a bit as though it's a victim of British dentistry practices, but she had a marvelous time watching Daddy scoop guts, so it's all good. She insisted on going out on the front porch to check on it this morning right after she woke up. Still there!

As for Kate, she's been up for an hour or so the past few nights hollering crazy stuff from her bed that sounds very much like "Hey Turtle" and "Hey Daddy." She also has possibly said "Bye bye" a couple of times now. Nothing in the Mama category though, of course! I also bet she'll take a step here any day now. She can zip around the house hanging on to the furniture pretty well, so it's only a matter of time. Where'd my baby go??
Thursday, October 8, 2009
High Five!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Kate Update
Monday, October 5, 2009
Maggie Sez...
...We're going to work.
Me: No, we're going to the airport to fly to Oklahoma. Remember?
Maggie: Daddy goes to work.
Usually, but today we're all going to the airport.
Daddy works and Maggie plays.
What does Katie do?
Katie wahs.
Like the babies on the bus - wah, wah, wah?
Yes. Daddy works, Maggie plays, and Katie wahs.
What does Mommy do?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Will He Hold Your Purse?
Seriously. That pretty much sums it up.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Kate's Spokesbaby Career Takes Off
As for what's been going on with us the last almost a month since my previous post... insanity. In the interest of saving space and not lighting my keyboard on fire, here's the quickie version:
Connecting flights, lots of crying, car seat snafu, Alex's wedding, cute flower girl, lots of crying, missed reception, up all night, lots of crying, fun at Nana's & Papa's, learning to crawl, babbling constantly, sleeping poorly, lots of crying, missed the zoo, Eric's wedding, catching up with old friends, sangria swirls and cheese fries at the Mont, rush to airport, stupid car seats, connecting flights, no stupid frickety fracking changing table, LOTS of crying, 10 days worth of cat barf, why does our house still smell like an old lady?, potty training, poop on the floor, big girl panties, attempted stair climbing and couch standing, falling, lots of crying, teething?, frozen peas, lots of crying, sleepless nights, laundry, laundry, laundry, potty success & "chocolate treats," hissy fits, lots of crying. Whew!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Daddy Gets Time Out
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Potty Party
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Amen, Sister.
Exactly. I'm at the point of dearly looking forward to the day when my girls will just be my children and I'll be free to read non-fiction, go out for drinks with friends, watch a movie and actually pay attention to it, have a conversation about politics, care about getting my hair cut, work, wear shoes daily, etc. But I'm totally not there yet. I'm still enjoying my vacation to end all vacations. (However, when did you last take a vacation in which you worked yourself to death? The vacation analogy is a little lacking. It's perhaps more like taking a couple of years off to join the Peace Corps digging latrines in a third world country. Extremely rewarding and exotic, but also dirty and exhausting.)
Monday, August 24, 2009
That's My Girl
Maggie said, "NO!"
You won't be right as rain?
Will you of center, then?
House Warmed
Even though we've only lived here from a couple of months and there was tons of work to be done to get the house and yard ready and the food prepped, we really wanted to finally throw a party for our friends at our house instead of always being the guests. Everything turned out very well I think. We wanted to do real BBQ, not just burgers and dogs, so I made a brisket, Mike grilled barbecue chicken, and we bought some ribs from a good nearby BBQ restaurant (and we did have hot dogs for the kids anyway). I also made macaroni and cheese, my great-grandmother Ruby's coleslaw, and pecan pie. Jane and Dale brought freshly shucked corn on the cob from a local farm stand, green salad, fruit pizza, and peaches and cream pie. Friends brought some buffalo chicken dip and tons of desserts, too much of which is left in our fridge. I confess that I had pie for breakfast! We also have way too much beer left over. What do the parents of two very young children do with tubs of beer sadly getting warm and skunky in our basement? Too bad we don't know any local college kids. There should be a charitable place where old folks can drop off their excess party liquor for needy young college kids. A beer pantry. I'm sure there are adverse legal ramifications keeping such a brilliant idea from becoming reality. The world is simply awash in unjust inequality.
We also got (somewhat) lucky with the weather. It was supposed to be both hot and raining - how is that fair? - but the sun came out and stayed, so it was merely hot and humid and sunny and we would have been dry if not for the sweating. The kids all piled into our kiddie pool and had a ball. Additionally, there was sidewalk chalk drawing, tricycle derby, whiffle ball, and some light gardening. Maggie drank at least part of what appeared to be about ten juice boxes (she says it was "forty") and then suffered the worst diaper rash ever. Well, you live and learn, even at the age of two. She also thieved a baker's dozen of brownies and cookies. I'm kind of shocked that she didn't throw up!
A special shout out to Amy and Lee and Jared, those brave childfree souls who knew in advance that there would be a mess of kids and came anyway! I hope you at least ate well. Come over and I'll give you a bunch of beer as a reward!
Yesterday as we continued to clean up, we found a juice box behind the toilet, a small stack of stones in the corner of the kitchen near the table, a fork in the garden, a beer hidden behind the deck railing, a pair of kid's Crocs (Charlie's), and several indoor toys left out in the yard to get rained on. All telltale signs of a good time been had. Hopefully there will be many more parties to come - although I think our next one will be pot luck!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Maggie Sez...
You're finished with your breakfast and you want to get down from the table? Yes.
Apparently you don't actually have to be born in the South to inherit redneck genes!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Maggie Sez...
She's been doing a lot of, "Cat starts with C. Mommy starts with M. TV starts with T and V," sort of stuff lately. Well, this afternoon we stopped by Dunkins to get more ground coffee and since I'm not the kind of Nazi who takes a small child to a donut shop and doesn't buy them a donut - and since she asked an elderly couple in the store if she could have a dunkin donut - I got Maggie a bag of Munchkins. She really liked them.
Maggie Gets a Hair Cut

After lunch we picked blackberries in Gram & Grandpa's yard. She loved it!

Monday, August 10, 2009
Beach Babies

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Pretty Pretty Princess

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Maggie Sez...
She's been saying this now for months and I keep telling her to ask Santa for it. However, around here, by the time Santa comes she won't be able to ride a bike because of the 10 feet of snow on the ground. Plus the poor child doesn't have anything to do in her new backyard besides dig in a weedy dirt "garden." So we got her a trike. And a slide.

Kate likes it too.

And so does Mike!

Friday, July 31, 2009
She's Asking For It
Kate does not want to play with that toy. Kate does not want to look at that book. Kate does not want to watch cartoons. Kate wants to kick you while she screams bloody murder.
Kate does not want to walk around the house. Kate does not want to look out the window. Kate does not want to lie down in her crib. Kate wants to knit her brows together and make angry barking noises at you.
Kate does not want that Tylenol. Kate does not want you to rub Orajel on her gums. Kate does not want that stupid frozen anything. Kate wants you to attempt to hold her while she screeches and tries to flop out of your arms onto the floor.
Kate does not want you to comfort her or entertain her in any way. Kate wants you to dump her on the curb in the rain, go back into the house, lock all the doors and windows, go down to the basement, sit on the dryer in the dark and eat an entire bag of potato chips by yourself.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
New News
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Maggie Sez...
After I asked her to stop jumping in rain puddles in the driveway and come inside for dinner last night.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Lesson Learned
Thursday, July 23, 2009
To Make a Short Story Long...
Mom: Old MacDonald had a farm
Maggie: Where's the E?
Mom: Right here. EIEIO.
Maggie: Where's the E?
Right here. And on...
Where's the O?
Right here. And on that farm he had a - what's that Maggie?
Fersie! *giggle*
That's not a horsie! You know what that is. He had a ....
*snicker* Fersie!
He had a cow.
*maniacal laughter* COW!
What's this?
A cow?
What's this?
The cow's head?
What's this?
I don't know what you're pointing at. The spot on the cow's hide? It's a brown spot?
It's not a fersie, it's a cow!
With a moo moo here.
That's a bird.
And a moo moo there.
That's a bird.
Here a moo, there a moo.
That's a bird.
Everywhere a moo moo.
That's a ...
Yes! That's a bird! Jeez.
It's red.
Old MacDonald had a farm.
Where's the E?
This is why people teach their kids to read to themselves. If they didn't get so annoying about it, I guess you'd just go on reading to them forever and they'd end up illiterate. That's what I'm telling myself anyway.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Kate Sez...
Mommy says, "Ha!"
Katie says, "HA!"
Ha! HA! Ha! HA!
Katie laughs and topples over.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Too Cute
Fraggle Maggie
The Big Blue House
Sesame Street
PS - Maggie Sez... "It's a wonderful day to take a walk!"
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Calling All Carnivores
Saturday, July 11, 2009
However, in true Mike fashion, he was drinking a cup of coffee while grilling instead of a beer. :)
Maggie Sez...
What were they doing? I asked.
Were they fighting criminal cyberdogs?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Random Thoughts
*I've recently rediscovered Nilla Wafers and they are so delicious. With or without banana pudding. Yum yum!
*Earl has somehow managed to injure himself and has a hand print-sized, hairless, scabby patch on his side. He doesn't seem to care about a bit except that he enjoys licking it incessantly. Thanks a million to my cousin and generously on-call virtual vet, Dr. Sexy Hair, for her advice!
*I'm not sure at this moment why we bothered to buy a house when we could have just driven a dump truck load of dollar bills up Mount Washington and chucked them all over the side. It would have saved us a lot of time and backache.
*We've entered the Age of the Soggy Cheerio around our house. I remember this phase now from Maggie's baby days. Soggy Cheerios stuck to the couch, soggy Cheerios stuck to the bottom of my foot as I walk through the kitchen, soggy Cheerios hiding amongst the toys and in between the pages of board books, soggy Cheerios clinging to the sides of the trash can and the sink and the cabinets and the fridge, soggy Cheerios ground into all of our clothes. But boy doesn't Kate sure like them. Yay for soggy Cheerios!
*We have a sewage pipe in the basement that we discovered to have a rusted hole in the side of it. The plumber comes on Friday to install the new dishwasher and he's going to take a look at it. There's a chance it's old and no longer in use or some kind of vent pipe, in which case it won't be a huge disaster. I'm not holding my breath. The plumber is also going to switch my washing machine hook ups so that hot water comes out when it's set on hot and cold water for the cold wash. How exciting.
*Maggie has started to pronounce things with a funny, vaguely Joisey accent, like: swahft for soft or keyouch for couch or swahcks for socks. Maggie sez... I doh woahna teak a beeyath! I don't think it's really a Boston accent. I have no idea where she's getting it from.
*I think we're going to go for a walk around the neighborhood and swing by Dunkins to pick up some more coffee as soon as Kate wakes up from her nap. It's actually sunny outside!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Maggie Sez...
but if Mommy says "Maggie puh-taggie" then Maggie sez...
PS - She never says Mommy puh-tommie. Weird. And Katie and Turtle are the main ones she says all the time now.